Study profiles and courses

INFORMATION on this page is only relevant for students accepted in 2021 or earlier. Study tracks for students starting 2022 will be available later (from 2022 DTU will no longer be a part of the program).

Students design their own study profile by selecting the combination of 2 universities of their own choice. Except for the combinations "NTNU to NBMU" or "NMBU to NTNU", all combinations are possible. To help the students choose their combination of universities, the overall teaching outcome at each university is summarized below.

DTU: Food technology, safety and quality

  • Advanced knowledge of (aquatic) food processing and food process design combined with the ability to apply this knowledge to obtain products with optimal quality and safety.
  • Knowledge of (aquatic) food quality and shelf-life together with the ability to evaluate quality attributes by relevant sensory, microbiological, biochemical and chemical methods.
  • Knowledge on how rapid instrumental methods, predictive microbiology models and software can be used for aquatic food quality and safety evaluation.
  • Theoretical and practical experience with aquatic food: microbiological and chemical risk assessment.
  • It is possible to select courses that focus on e.g. entrepreneurship or product development or to do special courses on lipid oxidation or protein degradation in aquatic food, cultivation of microalgae, extraction of bioactive compounds from algae, utilisation of waste streams for new bioactive compounds.
  • Master thesis are offered within all the abovementioned areas.


  • Advanced knowledge in the chemistry and quality of aquatic food raw materials.
  • Knowledge of aquatic food processing and how processing affects product quality and shelf life.
  • Knowledge on methods to determine quality and safety of aquatic foods.
  • It is possible to select courses that focus on aquaculture, RAS systems, marine lipids, utilisation of side streams and seaweeds.
  • Master thesis are offered within all the abovementioned areas.


  • Advanced knowledge in aquaculture.
  • Knowledge in optimization of aquaculture production.
  • Knowledge in design and management of aquaculture facilities.
  • Practical knowledge in operation of aquaculture facilities with focus on RAS systems.
  • Knowledge in industrial food production and product development.
  • Knowledge in industrial aquatic food product development.
  • Master thesis are offered within all the above mentioned areas.

UoI: Food Science

  • Research activities within the faculty fall into the following main categories: Food Chemistry, Food Processing, Food Engineering, Food Microbiology, Food Safety, Biotechnology, and Product Development.
  • Courses are selected by graduates in cooperation with the faculty and reflect the interest of individual students and research interests and may be selected from courses given by the faculty or other faculties at the University of Iceland.
  • The structured course work is designed to cover all major fields within food science and technology. Graduates conducting research projects will receive direction from faculty and/or qualified experts at collaborative partners and institutions. Graduate projects may be organized with industry involvement.


Students can also use the table below, which shows the mandatory and suggested elective courses at the four universities in year 1 and year 2, when they choose their entry and exit universities.

  Technical University of Denmark, DTU  Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU  Norwegian University of Life Science, NMBU  University of Iceland, UoI 
First semester, 
mandatory e-learning courses
• Aquatic Food Primary Production: Fishery and Aquaculture (7.5 ECTS; NMBU AQF200)
• Aquatic Food Processing and Technology (7. 5 ECTS; NTNU BT3110)
• Safety and Health Effects of Aquatic Food (7.5 ECTS; DTU 23154)
• Marine resources - Research and innovation (7.5 ECTS; UoI MAT703F)

• Basic aquaculture engineering (5 ECTS AQT 254) – only NMBU students
First semester,
elective courses 
    • International aquaculture laboratory course part 2 (5 ECTS, AQP 252)    
Second semester,
mandatory courses 
• Food Safety in Production Chains (10 ECTS, 23102)
• Producing new sustainable food ingredients - processes and utilization (5 ECTS, 23211)  
• Food chemistry (7,5 ECTS, TBT4125)
• Thermal and Process Engineering of Food (7,5 ECTS, TEP4265)  
• Aquaculture production (10 ECTS, AQP211)
• Planning and design of intensive fish farms (10 ECTS, AQP 350)  

• Food Safety Management (6 ECTS, MAT804M)
• Marine Bioactive Compounds (6 ECTS, MAT801F)
• Current topics in Food Science (4 ECTS, MAT702F)

Second semester,
elective courses 
• Development of innovative future food: Ecotrophelia and Blue Dot course (5 ECTS, 23552)
• Knowledge based Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, 38101)
• Food chemistry (5 ECTS, 23302)
• Food process design (10 ECTS, 23520)
• Fish anathomy and physiologi (7,5 ECTS, BI2064)
• Biotechnology specialization project (15 ECTS, TBT4500)
• Recirculating aquaculture systems RAS (7,5 ECTS, BT3210)
• International aquaculture laboratory course part 2 (5 ECTS, AQP 252)
• Aquaculture nutrition (10 ECTS) AQN350,
• Aquaculture – breeding and genetics (10 ECTS, AQB270)  

• Ecological Innovation in Food Science (4 ECTS, MAT612M)
• Fish processing technology 2 (6 ECTS, MAT601M)
• Food Safety Management (6 ECTS, MAT804M)
• Development of Food Products (8 ECTS, MAT609M)

 Change to another university

Third semester,
mandatory courses 

• Introduction to food production chains (10 ECTS, 23101)
• Predictive food microbiology (5 ECTS, 23210)  
• Food chemistry advanced (7,5 ECTS, BT8119/3199)
• Sustainable utilization of marine resources (7,5 ECTS, TMR4137)  
 • Food product development (10 ECTS, MVI385)
• Project work product development (10 ECTS)
• Fish processing technology 1 (6 ECTS, 502M)
• Food Engineering 1 (8 ECTS, MAT507M)  
Third semester,
elective courses

• Knowledge based entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, 38101)  
• Hygienic design in the food industry (5 ECTS, 23521)
• Sustainability in management (5 ECTS, 12771)
• Entrepreneurship in food and bio engineering (5 ECTS, 23531, August)              

• Biotechnology specialization project (15 ECTS, TBT4500)
• Aquaculture in the Ecosystem (7,5 ECTS, BI3067)  
• Supply Chain Management (7,5 ECTS, TPK4160)
• Muscle food processing technology (10 ECTS, MVI 381)
• Fish processing technology 10 ECTS, MVI 320)
• Unit operations and measurement methods (10 ECTS, MVI 361)  
• Advanced Food Chemistry (8 ECTS, MAT505M)
• Food Safety (6 ECTS, MAT701M)
• Bioprocessing and Biotechnology (8 ECTS, MAT701F)
• Food Processing Operations (8 ECTS, MAT504M)
• Advanced Food Microbiology (8 ECTS, MAT506M) 
• Supply Chain Management (7,5 ECTS, IÐN116F)
Fourth semester    Thesis


The elective courses listed above are suggestions - it is possible to follow other courses as your elective courses.
27 JULY 2024